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Are you in a relationship with someone who makes you feel crazy and "not good enough" all the time?Do you find yourself constantly shocked at the outrageously disrespectful behaviour and excessive bullying from a friend, family member or co-worker? You are NOT ALONE. I know because I've been there. That’s what offers me the unique ability to understand, and to offer insight and actionable steps to overcome the horrific emotional abuse and toxic mind games of a narcissist. It's what helps me relate to to my clients and readers so effectively. You are more powerful than you think. Let me teach you how to stand up for yourself. Knowledge is power. Admitting the issue is the first step. Next, you'll learn to understand, identify and overcome the behaviours of the narcissist. That's when you'll begin to heal - whether that means inside the relationship or by ending it.
So no more putting band-aids on this problem, alright? Stick with me and we will get this figured out together.
The pain of being in a narcissistic relationship is something that you don't get unless you’ve been there, and that’s where I'm uniquely qualified to help you. The effects of trauma can be devastating for you as the sufferer, your family and future generations. My coaching sessions on traumatic stress offers a bold new paradigm for treatment and help you to heal and move on from that wounded feeling. Move towards an alternative approach that heals mind, brain and body. Know the different types of abuse and the abusers. Understand and make sense of your real emotions and distinguish love from addiction. Most people who experience narcissistic abuse have difficulty getting anybody to understand what they are going through. People understand physical abuse. They understand verbal abuse. They understand very controlling behaviour, but they don’t understand the subtle, crazy making, type of slow destruction that results in complex post traumatic stress disorder. Take control of your life today and don't allow it to spiral out of control because there's someone else controlling you.
A narcissistic relationship begins in cool water and the heat is slowly turned up to the point where the majority of victims don’t really grasp how confusing and disturbing the behaviour is. My clients describe the early warning signs as confusing, causing them to question and doubt themselves. They don’t see the behaviour as necessarily abusive, but awkward, strange, disturbing, disrespectful and confusing. Most people who experience narcissistic abuse have difficulty getting anybody to understand what they are going through. People understand physical abuse. They understand verbal abuse. They understand very controlling behaviour, but they don’t understand the subtle, crazy making, type of slow destruction that results in complex post traumatic stress disorder. Any relationship that leaves you drained, depleted, and sometimes even distraught; is TOXIC. Uncertainty & diminished self-worth. Get to know who the other person really is. Many will question the sanity of a DV victim but there are very complicated dilemmas & the unique challenges women in violent relationships face as to why they stay. Distorted thoughts, damaged self-worth, fear, wanting to be the saviour, children, family expectations, financial constraints, status, isolation and in very worst cases Münchausen syndrome. Being controlled and hurt is traumatising, and this leads to confusion, doubts, and even self-blame.
If you're coming to the realisation that you're in an abusive relationship then speak to me today as I may be of help to you. I've outlined the most prominent traits a narc has and how these traits can impact the people who are the recipients of their abuse. My Recovery Programme has helped people who find themselves in such relationships to find themselves again and heal from the traumas. Being in a relationship with a narcissist is confusing and painful, especially if you feel like God approved of your relationship. In my empowering recovery programme, I draw on extensive research and personal experience to help you understand narcissism and rebuild your faith and sense of self. No matter what you've experienced, you can reclaim your purpose as a daughter or son of God.
I’ve had clients break into tears when they talked to me, because I was the first person who really understood what they were going through. They had been to doctors, psychologists, family and friends and nobody “gets it.” First of all, the narcissist is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and can look very good to most people. They can be good looking, charming, charismatic, successful and put on a great show, but underneath the calm exterior is an ego maniac who goes through great lengths to control and dominate his closest relationships through sinister practices like gas lighting, pathological lying, undermining, downplaying and many other emotionally destructive methods. We live in a society where appearances are everything. People put more weight on how things look on the outside then how they really feel on the inside and how they really are.
Here's a list of the skills the narcissist will employ on a daily basis:
Future Faking, Projection, Gaslighting, Ungrateful, Sociopathic, Guilt Trapping & Guilt Tripping,
Not accountable or responsible for their behaviours, Withholding, Glib, Externalise Blame, Present themselves as victims
Seeks Constant Adoration & Praise, Self Aggrandisement, Grandiose & Entitled, Not empathetic - they completely lack empathy for others, they will violate your privacy, stalk you on social media, hack your accounts, They lie all the time but label you a failure & a liar
Exaggerate the simplest reality, Fraud, Selfish, Idealise & then Discard you Devalue you, Use & Discard, Deny Facts
Silent treatment , Hate Boundaries , Children only exist to fulfil their needs , Verbally Abusive, Physically Abusive, Emotionally Abusive, Financially Abusive, Abuse your security , Violate your security, Destroy your career, Ruin your reputation , Ruin your friendships with Family & Friends
You will suffer from depression, Cognitive dissonance, Anxiety & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
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