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BRUILT LIFE DASHBOARD PRO™ is an intentional life improvement 9 month coaching programme, created so you will discover a powerful framework and designed as a unique vision board to help you align every single one of your goals into one compelling vision for your life that empowers you and fuels you to have it all: the success, the relationships, the career, the health, the fulfilment – without having to sacrifice one for the other.
The programme leads with a very practical approach to all of life's challenges and this is a unique gift, to be able to take a sensible perspective when all seems to be nebulous. Your personal life coach will never be better than you in the specific goal you are passionate about and focussing on. Coach Phil Jackson was never a better basketball player than Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant; but Coach Jackson was outstanding at developing a winning game plan, and bringing out the best in his players – quality coaches drive quality results. That is the kind of value and expertise a life/business coach will bring to your life.
Through a step-by-step process of manifesting all that you desire through the use of vision boards, we are able to make any dream into a visible, tangible reality. The purpose of a vision board is to align our desires with the positive things we do want to see happen. Instead of saying we don't want to be overweight, lacking in funds, or stuck in a dead-end job, the vision board helps to firmly cement the intention of being healthy, progressing forward in our careers, and being financially secure, all through the images we choose to show ourselves and see every day.
LIFE DASHBOARD PRO is the ultimate Vision Board that empowers you to live an extraordinary life in all 12 pillars of your being. LIFE DASHBOARD PRO is the ultimate lifestyle design & life improvement coaching programme that helps re-train your mind to think beyond the old limiting ways, and frees you to re-define your own levels of success in all 12 pillars of life.
You will discover a powerful framework designed as a unique vision board to help you align every single one of your goals into one compelling vision of your life that empowers you and fuels you to have it all: the success, the relationships, the health, the fulfilment – without having to sacrifice one for the other.
Through a step-by-step process of manifesting all that you desire through the use of vision boards, we are able to make any dream into a visible, tangible reality. The purpose of a vision board is to align our desires with the positive things we do want to see happen. Instead of saying we don't want to be overweight, lacking in funds, or stuck in a dead-end job, the vision board helps to firmly cement the intention of being healthy, progressing forward in our careers, and being financially secure, all through the images we choose to show ourselves and see every day.
My complementary programme that comes with your LIFE DASHBOARD PRO, helps you to begin the process of creating your own vision board, your own success stories, with more resources on for inspiration to kick-start your perfect vision of health, wealth and abundance.
The self-mastery programme demonstrates compellingly why self-mastery through self-esteem & character building are basic to psychological health, achievement, personal happiness, and positive relationships, which in turn will build up great character in you. I will introduce you to my six pillars-six action-based practices for daily living that provide the foundation for self-esteem-and character building whilst exploring the central importance of self-esteem in five areas: the workplace, parenting, education, psychotherapy, and society & culture at large. I provide you with concrete guidelines for developing self-esteem and show you why-in today's chaotic and competitive world,-self-esteem is fundamental to our personal power.
The Spiritual Mastery Quest is a 90-day spiritual journey towards uncovering your purpose. Activate your unique talents and gifts as you experience a beautiful unfoldment of your greatest life. Go beyond traditional intention-based practices (such as affirmations, visualisation and manifestation) as you ascend to a new stage of your spiritual awareness so you can surrender to a life greater than you ever imagined. With each passing day, your life vision will come into crystal-clear focus.
By the end of the Quest, the need to struggle and strive for goals become a thing of the past, and is instead replaced with a life filled with synchronicities – as you become fully aligned with your most authentic purpose.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathise with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. Our BRUILT® programme teaches you to become more emotionally aware so that when negative emotions enter your head, they don’t cause you to jump into rash action. Rather, you observe them. You can see them entering your mind as they enter and you can deal with them how you feel so. You can sit back and watch them and not do anything. Imagine being able to observe anger come within you. And by not reacting to it, you allow them to pass through. This is the essence of being emotionally aware.
My programme on Love & Relationships, empowers you to feel more tapped in to life, and more alive. The first relationship we explore is that relationship with the Infinite, The Divine, GOD! Then we explore the relationship with self and all the other relationships that we must experience in life to become truly whole. You’ll become more compassionate and get less irritated. You’ll feel limitless. You will be able to live in the best relationships possible in all the five Relationships Keys:
1️⃣ Our Relationship with Our Creator
2️⃣ Parental Relationships and Family
3️⃣ The Relationship with Self
4️⃣ Community & Professional Relationships
5️⃣ Intimate Relationships
Learn how to identify your riches, gifts and talents. In this day and digital age we are now living in, information is king. There are more books, apps, courses, and media being published than ever before. Information technology is expanding at breakneck speed. And along with it comes increasingly higher expectations for the ones steering the ship: us. But here’s the challenge: for most of us, school taught us what to learn and not how to learn. The result? Our brain’s raw processing power has been severely limited. We’re not thinking, remembering, and focusing anywhere near our real potential. And those of us who do have a tremendous advantage in this emerging new world.
Learning how to learn is known as meta learning.
The BRUILT Health & Fitness Quest is an easy-to-follow process to systematically enhance your overall wellness so you develop a body that looks great, feels great, works at its full potential in alignment with your mind & soul, throughout your lifetime. Discover simple strategies, techniques, or hacks that are fun and easy to incorporate into your schedule as a regular habit to quickly level up one key aspect of your overall wellness. Whether you’re a busy executive looking to maximise your health and fitness without sacrificing your time or someone in your golden years looking to heal and inject more energy into your day, you’ll quickly be able to achieve your health goals in the shortest time possible.
All over the world, people are grinding away, working long hours for little reward – and then there are natural born winners who seem to succeed easily and effortlessly. You’re about to join that second group. There’s a gem within you, waiting to shine, shine bright with ideas and a bright future. The traditional school system doesn’t teach you how to polish it. Your family may not have known how either. The methods I have used are equally usable by any person willing to learn and take action. I will show you how you polish the diamond inside of you.
Retrain your brain to release all fears, stress and limiting money habits. We introduce you to MONEY INTELLIGENCE. MONEY EQ. Money EQ is the key that separates the minority who enjoy a happy and healthy relationship with money, from the majority who don’t. Through generations of conditioning, society has trained us to focus only on the mechanics of making money: like earning, saving, investing, and spending. This common approach is known as Money IQ. My programme teaches P.O.I.S.E.
Produce | Own | Invest | Sell | Entrepreneurship
Learn how to be comfortable in any social setting. Most of us spend our lives operating from one of the lower levels of vibration and we doubt ourselves all the time, although it is completely possible to rise up to the higher ones – provided we follow the right steps. I will show you how to change your self-talk and when your self-talk changes you begin to accept yourself socially. This is where the Be Extraordinary framework comes into play. First, it helps you determine what level you’re currently at. Then, it gives you the tools and insights to rise up.
In my upcoming book, "A Parent for All Seasons," - an inspirational guide for parents, I advocate for parenting as a journey to raise children. A journey that helps parents grow themselves. I encourage parents to shoulder the responsibility to support their children spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually and financially—without losing sight of God’s role in their lives. Organised around the four seasons, the book considers the parents’ changing role at the different stages of their child’s life as well as theirs. I will teach you how to still keep you r vision so your own life in focus whilst parenting.
CREATE THE BEST QUALITY OF LIFE FOR YOURSELF. Quality of life is the general well-being of individuals and societies, outlining negative and positive features of life. It consists of the expectations of an individual or society for a good life. These expectations are guided by the values, goals and socio-cultural context in which an individual lives.
Embrace the great understanding that comes through the Visioning process, and create the ideal conditions for the emergence of your unique gifts, talents, skills, and how the Universe wants to express itself through you.
In Your Life Envisioning category, you’re going to discover a spiritual framework that transcends any traditional goal-setting method out there, where you can instead operate from a place of pure inspiration. With that, comes complete clarity of what success truly means to you, so you’re no longer influenced by societal expectations and you’re free to craft a life that sings to your soul. Putting your goals on paper in a visual format can actually help you achieve them. It's a notion that Oprah & other celebrities have consistently used and manifested from; and there is plenty of research to back it up.
There's much more to see. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
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