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We've all been there. Struggling to make sense of a partner or a spouse. Not understanding how you fit into the current relationship you have or you're growing apart. Relationships can only be managed and you are the common factor in all relationships you have with the people around you. My coaching sessions teach you how to... create more joy and happiness within yourself, build better and more relationships, heal the one you're in now, become better at communicating with your partner and not just second guess or read signs; but to better understand who you are and the person you are having that relationship with. My coaching sessions will enable you to then navigate to the best relationship and to bringing intimacy back into your relationship.
Your friends are not always the best people to give you objective advice on how to navigate those emotions and challenges. They may be biased and inexperienced; that's why talking to a coach is the safest and most practical way to deal with relationship issues. Coaching gives couples new tools and helps them apply those tools to achieve the marriage they want.
We start to build the foundations for love and a long-lasting relationship, test after test, brick by brick, loving act by loving act, one painful experience after the other, with friendship, with conscious awareness and intention, accepting flaws and learning to love. Love has a way of sending you 'TESTS.' When you CHOOSE TO LOVE, despite what you see, you are truly now recognising the vision that the romance was creating in the early days, asking you to come in and experience an even deeper and more genuine connection with your partner. Commitment is the cement and the main ingredient that will keep you both going throughout the course of the relationship.
We will be confronted by struggles and limitations in our ability to love fully, and that's when we realise the true grace of an intimate relationship. We are given the perfect mix of situations, incidents and opportunities we most need for the next steps on our journey of true awakening.
For a relationship to be successful, it involves ongoing effort and compromise from both partners, even though at the beginning of their relationship everything felt effortless and exciting.
In order to comprehend the true meaning and purpose of your relationships, you must begin with your most primary relationship of all. It is the one relationship that provides the greater context for all your other relationships at all levels. It is the one relationship that is your beginning and your final resting place. It is the one relationship that establishes your purpose for being in the world, the value of your growth and development and the direction and aim of all of your contributions in life. It is the relationship that is most essential to your well-being and your comprehension of yourself and the world. Yet it is the relationship to which you may give the least attention. It is the relationship that you may concern yourself with to the least degree. In fact, it may not be a relationship that you have thought of seriously at all.This is your relationship with God. What is God? It could be said that God is the sum of all relationships. God is the consummation of all relationships. This is a valuable definition because it enables you to experience God as a living force and power in your life rather than an absolute principle or a great and lofty Being whose reality is entirely beyond your reach and life within the world.
The world is only as good as the people in it. Individuals form a collective of people. So if we want a good experience whilst we are here, we have to first of all look at who we are.Before we can have a good healthy relationship with others we need to have a good and healthy relationship with ourselves.
In the following sessions, we deal specifically with loving and forgiving ourselves. I know that perhaps many of you struggle in this area. But we have to realize that if God loves and forgives us, who are we to think any different. If we don't take Him at His word, we are making our thoughts higher than his and that is sin. We put ourselves in our own predicament, but then blame God.
We can see what's wrong in other people, we may even have a 7-step plan for their breakthrough, but we just don't see inside ourselves as clearly. (We think we do, but we really don't.) If you really want to know what is inside you, really want to know, ask one of your family members or closest friend. Believe me, they know. We can see clearly in other people's lives, but we just can't see clearly in our own.
Your relationship with others, your immediate family, in your wider community and at work, are the environments in which true learning about yourself occurs. Your relationship with others on a personal and professional level is where you learn how to separate what you know from what you want or believe. It is the environment and the context for true & honest self-discovery.
I’m sure you’ve discovered that if you were living on a desert island, it would be very hard to see yourself objectively. You need the eyes of another to point out aspects of yourself that you are either unaware of or cannot see clearly. You need the perspective of others to realise the impact of your behaviour, what it communicates to others and how it leaves others feeling. You also need to learn from the behaviours of others, for people in the world around you, are demonstrating all manner of wrong & right, of self-deception and self-denial, so therefore, a discernible spirit is to be cultivated throughout life, with wisdom.
Interacting with others gives you a broader perspective which will enable you to learn to become loving, compassionate, forgiving, discerning and honest. This is being demonstrated in so many ways that if you are looking carefully with the desire to learn, you cannot help but see the evidence that relationships which are used to fulfil fantasy and idealism will always go astray and end in anger and disappointment.
If you are serving your own whims, you will attempt to use other people to fortify and justify your own whims & ideas, primarily your ideas about yourself. Here you are attempting to make life fit into your own self-ish definitions. You have expectations, both conscious and unconscious, within which you are trying to fit your experience, beliefs and evaluations of others.
If life has meaning, then there is meaning in us also. Man/Woman is here for the sake of other men/women. We will know the joy of living, to the extent that we serve others. It is said that our rewards in life will always be in full and direct proportion to our contribution; and this is the supporting structure of all economics and personal well-being. So our relationship with things must be to enhance life, not for those things to replace life. Increase is what all men and all women are seeking; it is the urge of every spirit. This law of increase is set forth by Jesus in the parable of the talents: only those who gain more retain any; from him who has not; shall be taken away; even that which he has. Use the talents that God has bestowed upon you.
Most of us are looking for that one relationship with that special someone. An intimate relationship can then be defined as a relationship where a couple is involved physically and emotionally as well. This is primarily determined by passion and attraction, apart from love and commitment. Intimacy in a relationship help couples to decide emotional attachments and determine their sense of security. Apart from that, an intimate relationship keeps intact the desire to belong together because they’re connected to each other at an emotional level apart from just the physical aspect of a relationship. There’s a sense of belongingness and affection.
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